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Current Projects & Activities

Besom Heath Eradication Project


Tamar NRM has successfully obtained a grant for a three-year project to tackle an invasive weed, Besom Heath, which is growing in a relatively small area of land in the Bridgenorth and Rosevale area.

Boneseed Blitz


The Tamar NRM Weeds Working Group continues to list boneseed as one of our priority weeds with the Boneseed Blitz as one of Tamar NRM’s signature events. 

Community AUSMAP Microplastics Surveys

Environmental Education

Microplastics are monitored in four sites across the Tamar as part of the AUSMAP project.

Ragwort Raids


Since 1999, Tamar NRM, community groups, Landcare groups, volunteer fire brigades, landholders and the general public have joined together during late January to February to keep Ragwort at bay.

Sustainable Community

Sustainable Living

Our Sustainable Community Working Group has a number of projects to promote sustainable living.

Tamar Valley Farm Discussion Group

Sustainable Agriculture

In 2020 we received funding from the Tasmanian Government's Pastures Pathway Small Project Fund to set up and run a Farm Discussion Group for red meat producers in the Tamar Valley. It continues today...

Towards Gorse Eradication in Pipers River Catchment


This partnership project between Tamar NRM, East Tamar Landcare Group, Lilydale Landcare Group and the Launceston and Northeast Railway) is funded through the Tasmanian Government’s Weeds Action Fund for three years - it commenced in September 2021. 



Each year we join the Great Southern BioBlitz to form the biggest BioBlitz event across the southern hemisphere!

Catch it in the Catchment

Sustainable Living

Each year Tamar NRM partners with Clean Up Australia to host the week-long ‘Catch it in the Catchment’ in the Tamar estuary catchment.

Great Tamar Tree Trail


Through funding from the Great Regional City Challenge, Tamar Valley residents will be encouraged to nominate their favourite trees that will be included in a virtual tree trail around the Tamar Valley region.

Source to Sea

Environmental Education

The kanamaluka /Tamar Estuary Source to Sea Program is an excursion for schools and community groups designed to introduce our community to the wonders of this local waterway by exploring its journey through the catchment. 

Tamar & Meander Valley Community Garden Network

Sustainable Living

This network meets quarterly to share knowledge about community gardening.

Tamar Valley Leaders Lunch

Environmental Education

Hear from leaders in their field explore sustainability challenges and opportunities and impacts on Tasmania.



From gorse to ragwort, besom heath and more, we run a number of projects that engage groups to help manage weeds within our municipal areas.

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