Ragwort is a serious “declared” weed in Tasmania and is poisonous to stock, particularly cattle and horses. It has the potential to infest at least 64,600 ha in the George Town, West Tamar and Launceston municipalities. It is also present through a large portion of the remainder of Tasmania.
For the past 23 years the amount of ragwort in the three Tamar Valley municipalities has been significantly reduced during annual Ragwort Raids through the efforts of dedicated community volunteers in collaboration with the three Councils and a number of corporate organisations. The threat of widespread infestation and the financial burden that would impose has thus been avoided. There would be a significant cost if ragwort re-established in the Tamar Valley and surrounds.
The Ragwort Raids have supplemented the actions of many landholders to control this weed on their property by using a number of integrated measures, including chemical, mechanical and biological control. During January and February 2022, Tamar NRM coordinated four Ragwort Raids covering the majority of major roads and many minor roads in the three Council areas.
The dedicated raiding days were: 22 January – East Tamar; 23 January – West Tamar; 25 & 29 February – Launceston and districts.
A big thanks to Ragwort Raid Coordinator Kay Bailey who coordinated the Ragwort Raids 2022.